CROSS 812-4 Ion Pocket Gel Pen
You looking to find the "CROSS 812-4 Ion Pocket Gel Pen" Good news! You can purchase CROSS 812-4 Ion Pocket Gel Pen with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $99.00
Product Feature
- Ion Jupiter Blue Gel Pen
- Gel Pen
Product Description
At 3.5 inches The Cross Ion Jupiter Blue Gel Pen is presented in charcoal blue and white silver with innovation written all over it. The front section and anodized or chrome plated aluminum cap of the Cross Ion Jupiter Blue Gel Pen surround a sculpted ellipse which reveals the gel ink refill and features a recessed Cross logo.CROSS 812-4 Ion Pocket Gel Pen Review
Our family loves these pens, so wish they still made them and you didn't have to pay crazy prices for the left over ones. Husband keeps his in his pocket and always has a pen handy. Teen age son keeps his on his key ring. I keep mine in my purse in a pocket so it's easy to retrieve. Over time (2 years or more) the rubber grip between the pen tip and the top starts breaking down from use. Rubber gets soft and grimy. I've washed it, which helps, but it still is just a matter of time and use and breakdown, so we end up buying new ones, and they get pricier each year...$30, then $50... Sometimes the ink doesn't work well (probably because these pens were manufactured a few years ago and the ink is old.) Just bought ink cartridges that are not ion brand, (so they are new ink cartridges) and they work great.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "CROSS 812-4 Ion Pocket Gel Pen" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from CROSS 812-4 Ion Pocket Gel Pen ...
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