DonJoy Shoulder Stabilizer SPA X Large
You looking to find the "DonJoy Shoulder Stabilizer SPA X Large" Good news! You can purchase DonJoy Shoulder Stabilizer SPA X Large with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Provides abduction and external rotation protection
- Attaches directly to shoulder pads and can remain attached when not in use
- Universal for the left or right shoulder
Product Description
Please see Product SKU #11-1319-X for more detailsDonJoy Shoulder Stabilizer SPA X Large Review
We have had 2 high school football Offensive Lineman and both have had shoulder problems -- dislocation and subluxation. Both have wanted to play through the season followed by surgery after. For one, the Sully Brace worked. For the other the Sully did nothing and he continued to have slipping. Tried several other things including the version of this brace that you put on like a vest under the pads. This one is the best. Right now this is our best hope for him to continue a winning seasonWhen you get the brace it's 2 parts. A part that wraps around your bicep and then an "X" shaped strap. The "X" is off-center so that 2 shorter straps wrap around the bicep and 2 longer straps attach to the shoulder pads -- 1 in front and 1 in back (opposite of the injured shoulder) using buckles that come with the brace. In addition to the buckles the brace comes with 2 screws and 2 t-nuts. There are pictures to show where the buckles should attach to the shell of the pads and you just drill a hole in the shell and use the hardware they sent to attach the buckles.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "DonJoy Shoulder Stabilizer SPA X Large" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from DonJoy Shoulder Stabilizer SPA X Large ...
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