Air Supply Mini-Mate Wearable Air Purifier
You looking to find the "Air Supply Mini-Mate Wearable Air Purifier" Good news! You can purchase Air Supply Mini-Mate Wearable Air Purifier with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Virus and Bacteria incinerated by corona discharge
- 120 trillion ions per/sec. output. Ozone output .028 ppm
Product Description
Fuschia Outershell. Output of 120 trillion ions per/sec. Weighs just 1.5 oz with the lithium battery,included. Can be worn around the neck or clipped to clothing.Air Supply Mini-Mate Wearable Air Purifier Review
I have the AS150mm. I purchased it in late september, early october. Since mid-October, It seems to be defective. It constantly makes a loud high-pitched whining sound, which is very disturbing. It also hisses and crackles. I followed the instructions in the booklet, which states "blow gently into top of grill to dislodge dust build up."It still makes the noise. Blowing only briefly lowers the crackling intensity. It resumes all crackling, hissing, and whining in a few seconds. It makes it hard to use it in quiet yet public places and siuations like movies, concerts, etc. it's embarrassing to wear it. When i am alone, the noise is very disturbing. Also, I have noticed that my nose is very dry and have bloody mucous congestion since I started using it. Is this related? I really think there is something wrong with this unit.
I have written to the manufacturer. I hope something will be done about this.
UPDATE: from 2 to 4 stars. manufacturer replaced with a new one, that after several months, still works like a champ! I use it almost daily at home, because I got rechargeable batteries for it. Puffs out fresh air that smells good.
It still has that annoying blinking light, that makes people ask questions, and i do my best to answer, but still feel self-conscious. So I still use a different unit, that looks better, for use in dark places like the theatre. But I like this one a lot more, because of batteries, and fresh puffs of air. The nurse asked about it when I went to the doctors, and asked if it worked, then answered her own question by looking at my chart and noticing that I don't come in all the time for colds, etc. she will probably be telling other patients about these I look forward to seeing them around more necks in the future. If they were more affordable, I know more people would try them!
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Air Supply Mini-Mate Wearable Air Purifier" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Air Supply Mini-Mate Wearable Air Purifier ...
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