[Chunho] Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract 100
You looking to find the "[Chunho] Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract 100" Good news! You can purchase [Chunho] Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract 100 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- recommended for live protection and hangover relief
- volume: Box (80ml x 60 packs)
- Ingredients: Hovenia dulsis fruit extract 100% (Brix +7%, Chinese)
- 2~3 packs per day, before or after meal
- Avoid direct sunlight and keep in cold place or refregerator
Product Description
This product solves liquor jug and fatty liver, and recovers fatigue and improves liver function effect is doing product in pharmaceutical company . is good for fast lingering intoxication cough, alcohol poisoning solution and, hepatitis type B,liver function recovery with fatty liver, fatigue recovery, vomiting, glycosuria after alcohol intake by product that extract 100% Hovenia Dulis Thunb and there is effect to feces and urine function (bladder, constipation) etc. Watch our production process - http://youtu.be/a-K-SUVu4Po The actual product image may different from the listed image.[Chunho] Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract 100 Review
I bought this because I read an article on Txchnologist about Hovenia Dulcis extract and how it made mice nearly immune to the effects of alcohol. Last night I drank one dose of this stuff, then went out and had three beers with friends and did not feel any effects at all. Although it is marketed as a hangover relief, it also could be great product for those who want to keep their wits about them in social situations.Search for the following article for more info:
Influence of Hovenia dulcis on alcohol concentration in blood and activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) of animals after drinking
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "[Chunho] Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract 100" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from [Chunho] Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Extract 100 ...
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