Philips Health GoLite M2 Blue Spectrum Light Therapy Device
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Price: $199.00
Product Feature
- It is a portable light therapy device which is designed to help you increase your energy level naturally and fight winter blues
- Its small size makes it easy to use wherever it suits you best
Product Description
Your body clock affects your sleep, mood, and energy, and it's located near the center of your brain. This is the center that tells you when to be alert, awake, asleep, and it uses light to regulate your sleep, mood, and energy cycles. If you struggle with these cycles, your body clock may not be responding properly to normal light signals. The good news is that you can manage your body clock. When your body clock doesn't get the right type of light, it can make you feel tired and moody. But the right light at the right time will reset your sleep, mood, and energy cycles, so you can sleep great and feel great during waking hours. The goLITE M2 safely and quickly provides the light your body needs. The M2 is easy to use and most people notice a difference in just a few days. See what you've been missing. Your mood and energy levels will improve, and you'll enjoy sleeping again.
Philips Health GoLite M2 Blue Spectrum Light Therapy Device Review
I recently upgraded to the M2, but I first bought the Apollo P1 several winters ago, and it works wonders for me. I sleep well now, and I have energy during the day, not to mention better mood stability.
There has been some "blue light scare" about this product lately. Just ignore it! I am a physicist and the blue light that the GoLITE emits is part of the visible spectrum. Remember that blue light is not right next to the UV spectrum. Blue is next to violet, and violet is next to UV. Furthermore, the people who target this product seem to dismiss the fact that a regular 10,000 lux light box produces the same amount of blue light as these lights do, therefore they would be just as "dangerous." And there hasn't been any eye damage found from using those. Since all white light contains blue light, are we supposed to be paranoid about turning on our lights around the house? It is obsurd.
Remember dosages as you consider all this. Scientists learn by studying the extremes. The studies submit subjects to an extremely intense amount of light for a LONG period of time. Is this supposed to resemble real life? No, it's not. But it helps scientists understand processes. Anything in an exorbitant amount is likely to be unhealthy. I am sure that if I drank five gallons of milk each day for a sustained period of time that I would have some negative symptoms! Perhaps by using my GoLITE for 10 minutes each day during the winter I get the same amount of light (and blue light) as I would get during the summer naturally.
Don't be scared off. Remember that there has been absolutely no indication that using these lights therapeutically causes any eye damage. Quite the contrary, I would guess that my body is much healthier for having used them. Sleep deprivation is awful tough on the body.
Science is made slowly through a web of studies, not some random study that is distorted by those misinformed and used to frighten the public.
Now, on to the M2. As I mentioned before, I have owned the P1 and then recently upgraded to the M2. Both models are small and lightweight, and I have had no trouble with eyestrain (using 100% intensity). I can easily write or work on the computer, or eat breakfast, while I am using the lights.
Advantages of the M2 over the P1:
-It is cordless, so you can take it anywhere around the house or elsewhere and don't have to worry about finding an outlet.
Disadvantages of the M2:
-It is a little heavier, because of the battery. I don't believe this adds any inconvenience, however, as it is still plenty light.
I don't really see a whole lot of functional differences between the two models besides this. I like the cordless because I can move the GoLITE to wherever I am working at the time and don't have to carry a cord around or try to find a place to plug it in. But the cordless feature is pretty much the only benefit of getting the M2 (or P2 for that matter). So, if you don't mind having to plug it in, then save yourself some money and buy a used P1. LEDs last forever so you won't need to worry about the lights burning out.
As far as evaluating the use of light therapy in general, I have found it to be very helpful to me. I use it mostly in the fall and spring when the sunset/sunrise times are changing the most (I live at about the 45th parallel). My body clock seems to get thrown off by the rapid change. I will also use it at other times during the year if I am having insomnia or depression. I find Apollo's assessment site very helpful. When I am having trouble sleeping at night or staying awake during the day I will go take their assessment and it will tell me when to use the light and for how long. I have never had it be wrong. It has always helped me get back on a good circadian rhythm.
Anyway, I know this has been long, but I hope it has also been useful!
Here's to a good night's sleep,
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